Scrum Planning Poker Wikipedia

3/24/2022by admin

This page compares software with specific support for the Scrum framework. Although the features of some general project management software can be conceptualized around Scrum, general project management software is not included on this list unless it has, or a plugin for it has, specific support for Scrum. View Notes - Planningpoker.pdf from CS 521 at Northwestern University. 1/24/2015 Planning poker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Planning poker From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Planning.

This page compares software with specific support for the Scrum framework. Although the features of some general project management software can be conceptualized around Scrum, general project management software is not included on this list unless it has, or a plugin for it has, specific support for Scrum.

General information[edit]

Scrum planning poker wikipedia 2017ScrumScrum
SoftwareWeb-basedHosted On-PremisesSaaSLicenseImplementation programming languages
Azure BoardsYesYesYesProprietary.NET and modern Web frameworks
Projektron BCSYesYesYesProprietaryJava
TaigaYesYesYesGPLPython and JavaScript
TuleapYesYesYesGPLPHP and JavaScript

Sprint features[edit]

SoftwareScrum boardCustom columnsBurndown chartSprint goal
Azure BoardsYesYesYesSprint name
HeySpaceYesYesNoSprint description
Projektron BCSYesYesYesNo
TrelloYesYesVia pluginNo
TuleapYesYesYesSprint description

Story features[edit]

SoftwareReorderable product backlogStory descriptionAcceptance criteriaStory pointsPlanning pokerPlanning poker points averagingStory claimingComments on storiesChange tracking
Azure BoardsYesYesYesYesVia extension[1]NoYesYesYes
JIRAYesYesVia custom fieldYesVia pluginVia pluginYesYesYes
Projektron BCSYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYes
TaigaYesYesVia custom fieldYesNoNoYesYesYes
TrelloYesYesYesVia pluginVia pluginVia pluginYesYesYes

Task features[edit]

SoftwareTasks within storiesTask claimingMultiple people can claim tasksSeparate comments on tasksAuto-story completion[2]
Azure BoardsYesYesNoYesVia extension[3]
Projektron BCSYesYesYesYesNo

Integration features[edit]

SoftwareSlack integrationHipChat integrationData export
Azure BoardsYesYesYes
HeySpaceown built-in featureown built-in featureNo
Projektron BCSNoNoYes

Scrum Planning Poker Wikipedia Free

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^
  2. ^when all tasks have been marked completed
  3. ^
  4. ^'Hipchat integrates with Trello'. HipChat. 4 March 2015. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 1 August 2015.
Retrieved from ''

Scrum card game

Planning Poker is a way for Scrum & Agile Development teams to estimate the effort to reach their goals.

It is a fun game in which each participant uses cards to give his estimation about the time to complete a certain task. The main advantage of using cards is that the first person to provide an estimation will not influence the estimation provided by the next person. This eliminates bias and ensures every persons opinion is heard.

Here are 4 steps to help you playing planning poker in a fun and effective way.

1. Put the participants at ease.

If it is the first time to use the planning poker, have a little Chat. How are you doing today? Engage in a small talk. Ask if anyone already had played planning poker before. If not, ask if they are willing to try something new this time. If the majority is willing to try, then you can introduce the playing cards. It is important to create an relaxed environment where people can allow themselfs to try and make mistakes. Remove the pressure for results and introduce the game in a joyful way.

Scrum Planning Poker Wikipedia Page

2. Explain the rules.

Scrum planning poker wikipedia freePoker

After everyone agreed to play the planning poker, hand out the cards and start explaining the rules. It is important that each person thinks for himself on how long a certain task will take. Choose the appropriate card and place it face down on the desk. Only when all the players placed their cards on the desk, these can be turned. If the estimations are close to each other, it means that the subject is well known. If the range of estimation is high, that means there is still a lot of uncertainty related to the task.

3. Find consensus

Wherever differences in the estimation exist, allow the player to explain the reason for the estimation. Through this dialogue try to reach consensus. If no consensus is found, write down the range of estimation and move on. Use a timer to keep track of the time spend for discussing the estimations.

The question mark is ment for those who can not provide an estimation. Alternatively, small, medium and large can also be given as estimate.

Scrum Planning Poker Wikipedia -

4. Experiment and adapt

As you move along, find out what works for you. Adapt the rules and content to fit your needs and your team. Find creative ways to keep the game engaging.

Here is a nice video from Mountain Goat Software explanaining how to play the planning poker. This gives all the details on how to proceed.

Scrum Planning Poker Wikipedia 2017

And here you can get some cool cards if you are willing to try this approach.

Hope the information provided here helps you making your next planning meeting full of joy and bring you even better results.

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