Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red
- Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red 1
- Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Cards
- Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Card
- Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Dot

This thought provoking strategy is part of our Winning systems for Dozens and Columns feature.
Side note – this is a system that can be used all over the roulette table, not just red and black. It is red and black where it is most commonly used though. Reverse Martingale – This is the exact opposite to the system above. It’s know as the Reverse Martingale or the Paroli. Most players prefer to bet on black and red, justifying it by the fact that online roulette betting on colors are balanced in the best way. But players can be wrong. The 1-3-2-6 method is inherently a progression in the bet increase. However, the player uses this progression only in the case of a number of wins.
As have pointed earlier that I believe that the base
of this method is long run winning bettor simply
HG…………..BASE BET;3 columns should alternate
at the start before start playing.
–Always follow last 2 columns with corresponding colors,ex;
–columns 1-2 + black……3 bets
–columns 1-3 + red………3 bets
–columns 2-3-without a color…..2 bets….ex;
33…..trigger for playing next bet on columns 2-3…..1 unit each/unit 5 chips/
16…..trigger for playing next bet on columns 1-2 + black…1 unit each
24…..trigger for playing next bet on columns 1-3 + red……1 unit each
This is a base bet……When you lose 1 unit…..rise next bet for 1 chip on all bets.
When you lose 3 units…rise your next bet for 3 chips.
When you win 2 units..reduce your next bet for 2 chips.
–Actually it’s a flat bet in units,but it only requires balanced chip progression.
–Whenever you win in balanced chip mode,put that win aside and forget about it,
as these chip winning will be your win at the end of night session play.
—There are some more tweaks to this bet,of which will talk about after some
of you guys test this on the longer basis….say several full sessions of about 450 spins.
I did personally tested it,am playing it presently,but would like you to do so,as thatway
we can continue discussing this matter further.
Just to remind you this is one of the most leveled bets I found in roulette combos.
I have read your “way”,or your “strategy”… and well.
If you back 1&2 and black, the 8 reds of the 3th column will kill you if playing in a “on prison” rule table.
If you back 1&2 and RED, only 4 blacks will wipe you 3 units, instead of 8 reds…
At last the maths are slight different… always against us…
Your third column cost you -28 units if backing 1&2 and black, while backing 1&2 and RED it will cost you only -20 (I’m talking about utility).
Of course backing 1&2 and black will provide you a “utility of +28 (in the 1&2 columns), instead of the +20 (in the 1&2 columns) provided by 1&2+RED.
Zero do the rest.
At the end, if you aren’t playing in a table with “in prison” rule, the results are the same, but if you do, then is much more better 1&3 AND RED.
There are many possibilities for betting 2 columns together, while any of 2 are alternating,but as far as may long tests and real play shows the best and safest way is as mentioned in my previous posts.

–THE QUESTION;how to avoid lose of 3 units,but instead only losing 1 unit?
It goes like as follows:
–While betting columns 1-2+black….stay on these columns and black while blacks are streaking in these 2 columns……when red spins in these 2 columns… bet same columns with red….and if red spins again……stop betting until it jumps to column 3……expecting streaks of red/possible in column 3/
–Same procedure with columns 1-3 + red……reversed.
–This is a tweak I have maded to this bet,and so far it works successfully.
Cheers……..and good luck with this…actually you will not need any luck betting on this……… wins constantly
PS: Almost forgot to mention……the REASON why this method wins on the long run.Cause I haven’t seen such leveled bet in roulette game as yet… Meaning that your winnings will be mostly from these chips I have mentioned
at the start of this thread.
Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red 1
8—-c2 next bet 1u on each of c2 & c3
15—c3 win. repeat previous bet………………………………………………..W 1 UNIT W 1 CHIP
13—c1 loss. next bet is on c1 & c3 & red – but should this be 6 units? ….L 2 UNITS L 2 bet
2–…1 un.col.1–1un.col 3 + 1 + 2 chips on each bet L 3 UN. L 6 bet
35–1 un.col 1–1-un col 2 + 1 un. black + 3 chips on each bet W 2 UN. W 6 bet same-ch.2×3
1………………..Egal……and so on….think it’s enough to grasp this.
–when lose rise as many as you lost on all next events…BUT IN CHIPS
–base bet is in units 1 unit= 5 CHIPS
–therefore in starting bet units,allways flat bet,but rising and reducing in chips.
I was reading about a bet method on a published system for a different game and it seems to be worth trying on roulette. Especially for you lucky punters that have access to non-zero roulette. Or even single zero with “la partage”.
The bet selection is your choice. This bet method is based on Oscar’s Grind. That is, we increase our bet amount after a win and we keep it the same after a loss.
We have to keep track of 3 numbers. Units Lost, current bet size and a running total to be able to know when we’ve reached our win target. Losses starts out as 0, bet size starts out as 1 and of course running total starts out at zero. Every time we lose we increase Losses by the amount lost and the bet amount remains unchanged. Every time we win we increase the bet amount by 1 unit and we decrease Losses by the amount won. Every time we lose 2 times in a row, we stop betting until we have a virtual win then we start betting for real at the unit amount of the last bet we made.
This is a means of trying to prevent large streaks of losses from wiping us out. It is off-set by the reality that we may skip wins and come back to play and catch 2 more losses. If we do this once that’s 4 losses in a row, and twice is 6 losses in a row. But all in all I think stopping after 2 losses and waiting for the losing streak to end is a safer idea.
The only reason we keep track of losses is that we have a chart that comes into play after we’ve won 2 times in a row. This tells us what to bet based on how many units we are down. Using this chart is entirely optional.
Units down Bet Amount
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-9 3
10 + 4
This chart accomplishes 2 things. First, it causes us to increase our bet size more rapidly if we just had a long stretch of losses and it lets us reduce our bet size if we’re betting larger units but have recovered most or all of our losses.
4 units is the largest bet we will be making and if we lose a 4 unit bet, we end that attack and re-set losses to 0 and bet size to 1. I also suggest that you re-set any time you reach a new high bank amount. That’s the basic skeleton of the bet method. It can be adjusted to suit your personal preferences. For example you can make a losing bet of 5 or 6 the stop-loss target.
The original version has us adding an extra unit to the losses number for every loss. This gives us some guaranteed profit if we get back to zero. I didn’t include this factor because it’s just as easy to keep track of our total and make decisions accordingly.
Some observations
This is a very controlled money management strategy. It keeps the bets from escalating too high by ending the game on a 4 unit lost bet. This is a very important part of the method. Every bet selection will have periodic losing streaks. We either need to be prepared to bet a long progression, risking large numbers of units to try and stop a loss or we need to be willing to take small losses more often to keep from having to use a long expensive progression.
The above paragraph is in red because it’s the reality of most gambling systems. It has to be come to grips with if you intend to stay sane playing this game. I’m not say that a long progression is dumb, I’m just saying that if you use it, you have to be aware of the pitfalls and be willing to take a really big hit every now and then. Also, it takes a lot of guts to place the larger bet amounts so, “Know thyself” before you try to play using a steep progression.
That’s the method in a nutshell. Use it if you like it,
A minor tweak to this progression
Use any even chance bet selection method you like. Or for simplicity, just pick one of the even chances, such as Red and play Red only. Or if it makes you mad if you happen to pick the wrong color, play follow-the-last. That way you’ll catch all steaks of either color. What you won’t like is RBRBRBRBRBRBR. But, there’s no selection process that doesn’t have a killer sequence.
The bet progression is what I’m presenting here.
We will increase our bet size after 2 wins and we’ll stay the same after a loss. The 2 wins don’t have to be in a row and it doesn’t matter how many losses are between them.
This is a possible sequence:
-1-1-1+1-1-1+1-2-2+2+2-3-3-3+3-3+3+4+4-4 = -5

Here’s a winning sequence:
+1-1-1+1+2+2-3+3+3-4 = +3
4 units is the largest bet we make.
We play until we lose on a 4 unit bet.
We can win many 4 bets but when we lose a 4 unit bet we end the attack plus or minus.
I am tightening up my rules for playing this system.
I have changed the “Chart”. For all of you who have any respect for anything I write, I’m encouraging you to look at this more closely. I suggest this because it is a very solid bet method that gives enough wiggle room to win some units without ever risking too much at one time. I suggest a 40 unit buy-in and a 10 unit win target. As you play it you can adjust these to suit yourself. I will suggest a bet selection method but you can use any even chance method you like.
1. RBRBRBRB etc… Just alternate continuously. This will keep from having long losing stretches most of the time. The rule in the system of ending real betting after 2 losses in a row and then only resuming real betting after a win works well in conjunction with this bet method.
We have to keep track of 3 numbers.
Units Lost
Current bet size
Running total.
Losses start out as 0, bet size starts as 1.
Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Cards
Every time we lose we increase Losses by the amount lost and the bet amount remains unchanged.
Every time we win we increase the bet amount by 1 unit and we decrease Losses by the amount won.
Every time we lose 2 times in a row, we stop betting until we have a virtual win then we start betting again.
Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Card
The only reason we keep track of losses is that we have a chart that comes into play after we’ve won 2 times in a row. This tells us what to bet based on how many units we are down.
Units down Bet Amount
1-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3
7-8 4
9 or more 5*
Continue to bet based on the chart as long as you are winning or until you reach 0, 1.
As soon as you lose a bet from the chart, you go back to the normal betting rules.
This chart accomplishes 2 things. First, it causes us to increase our bet size more rapidly if we just had a long stretch of losses and it lets us reduce our bet size if we’re betting larger units but have recovered most or all of our losses.
*Note: This is the only time we will ever bet 5 units. It’s when we have won 2 times in a row and we go to the chart and we’re down 9 units or more, then and only then can we bet 5 units. Never more than 5 units. Any time we lose a 5 unit bet we end the session and take our loss.
4 units is the largest bet we will make other then the 5 unit bet when using the chart. If we lose a 4 unit bet, we also end that attack and re-set losses to 0 and bet size to 1. Re-set everything any time you reach a new profit. That will be when the running total = +1.
You can stop looking for a better even chance system. There are none. There may be others as good, but none better. You can be fooled by long progressions, but they are just smoke and mirrors. In the end, the closer you stay to a flat bet, the better off you’re going to be.
I’m thinking this is as good as it gets.
Especially for baccarat where you have to bet large units.
It can be dialed back to limit the size of our bets even more. We can say that under normal betting when we lose a 3 unit bet we have to reset. That would mean on the chart we’d have to drop the line for the 5 unit bet and say that any draw-down over 7 units results in a 4 unit bet. Any loss on the 4 unit bet causes a termination and overall reset.
When we’re betting from the chart, as long as we win we stay with the chart. If we lose at either 3 or 4 unit bets, this ends the attack, reset. If we win and the chart tell us to bet 2 units and we lose, then we go back to our progression line. I have been having very good results using the alternating bet selection process. The only thing that kills it is to be on the losing side of chops. In this case the stop after 2 losses until a win to resume betting helps stabilize the system.
Best Roulette Strategy Black And Red Dot
I’m always trying to tweak it to be better. It actually does well if we go to the chart after every win instead of waiting for 2 wins in a row. Also using the chart after 2 wins but not necessarily in a row works also.
When you test a session, check and see if alternating R/B or B/P does as well, worse or better than the bet selection you used. Also, see if one of the options sending us to the chart more frequently helps any. Or, don’t mess with it at all. It works fine as is! I just need to leave well enough alone.
Roulette-Bet comment: We don’t know about the STOP-RESTART idea of this system, but we DO LIKE the progression. Also you can minimize your win target to just two units instead of five.